7 ways to improve your home this year
As the new year approaches, people may start planning home projects. Since the pandemic has left families in their homes, residents have noticed flaws and inconveniences around their properties. With more people receiving vaccinations and the health care system controlling the spread of the coronavirus, people can return to life as usual.
The supply chain is starting to operate at full capacity again, helping homeowners access necessary building materials. Residents can benefit from the increase in production, supporting their home improvements. There are seven ways you can improve your property this year, improving its value and beauty.
1. Upgrade your lighting
Change your home décor by adding new lighting features this year. Gold lamps and chandeliers can enhance interior lighting while enhancing the aesthetics of your property. Individuals can install light-emitting diode (LED) lights in the trim to increase their energy efficiency.
LED lights are approximately 75% more efficient than incandescent bulbs, reducing utility costs for the homeowner. They also last about 25 times longer, reducing municipal solid waste (MSW). LED lights are also much brighter and have different colors than other lights on the market, creating unique lighting effects.
2. Turn your garage into a home theater
Many people use their garages for storage instead of covering their cars. If your cars are for outdoor parking, you can clean out your garage and turn it into a unique viewing room. Residents can improve the comfort of the place by adding insulation and heaters.
They can also add soundproofing materials and surround speakers, enhancing your home theater experience. Adding a weatherproof door is essential when developing a viewing room. You can install a windowless garage door to reduce glare on the projector.
3. Install smart devices
Individuals can also install smart devices to enhance comfort and convenience in their homes. Smart thermostats connect to the facility’s heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) system, which independently regulates indoor temperatures. Accesses real-time weather forecasts using a Wi-Fi connection, and adjusts indoor temperatures to reduce energy waste.
The devices also use motion detection sensors, to assess the occupancy of different areas in the home. When the area is vacant, the system is turned off to save power. Advanced thermostat technology reduces utility costs and improves home sustainability.
Other smart devices, such as ovens and lamps, work similarly to a thermostat. All systems connect to the homeowner’s smartphone, helping them to remotely control the energy use of their property.
4. Plant wall construction
Another home décor improvement feature is the plant wall. Wall art is gaining popularity in the residential sector due to its various benefits. Plants develop using photosynthesis, filtering airborne toxins and improving indoor air quality.
Adding greenery to the home also creates a sense of calm. Researchers have found that individuals’ heart rate drops when surrounded by green. You can build a factory wall by installing the floating shelves first.
Residents can place shelves on the wall next to the window, ensuring adequate amounts of natural light. Then, they can cover the racks in low-maintenance plants, reducing stress and improving the room’s aesthetic.
5. Add new wall art
You can also enhance the aesthetic appearance of the room by adding new wall art. Residents may contact local artists to collect new pieces. Supporting local artists during the pandemic is essential to the industry’s stability and success.
Many artists faced significant financial challenges during the lockdown period. You can show your appreciation and support for workers by purchasing work from them. Mismatching different pieces and adding random mirrors is a popular interior design trend.
Residents can hang works by different artists on their walls, further increasing their support for the art community. Features can transform a wall, creating a whole new ambiance in a room.
6. Install the solar panels
Homeowners can enhance the efficiency and affordability of their properties by installing solar panels. With the sustainability movement spreading around the world, renewable energy is becoming more and more popular. Advances in solar energy technology are increasing people’s access to independent energy sources.
Solar power is currently the least expensive energy source on the market, helping residents reduce or eliminate their utility costs. Technology also increases the value of personal possessions, helping them reach a high return on their earnings. Additionally, it allows residents to reduce their carbon footprint, and improve local air quality.
7. Set up an intelligent security system
Individuals can enhance the safety of their homes by installing an intelligent security system. They use the Internet of Things (IoT), and connect systems to a Wi-Fi network. The technology also has standalone features, contacting local police and fire officials when screens detect malicious activity.
Smart security systems also connect to the homeowner’s smartphone, helping them lock and monitor their belongings remotely. In addition, it increases the convenience of inviting guests inside. Residents receive a video recording of when visitors approach the front door, and can let them in through their smartphones.
Renewing as a family
You can use your home improvement projects to connect with your family. Your home is a place where the whole family feels safe and comfortable. Collaboration when designing new renovations is essential.
Parents may also ask their children for help when choosing wall art. Each family member can choose one piece and create a mismatched aesthetic wall. Renovations can be challenging, as they help families build teamwork skills and patience over time.