
A guide to trying to have a baby

A guide to trying to have a baby

Trying to have a baby is an exciting time for you and a life-changing decision as you and your partner take the step of growing your family. However, it can also be a stressful time, especially if you are struggling to get pregnant. To help you through this time on your journey to becoming a parent, read on for a guide to trying to have a baby.


Track your menstrual cycle

Once you stop birth control, you won’t know you’re pregnant for the first few weeks. However, the extra stress you put on your sex life when you’re trying to have a baby can take the pleasure out of intimacy, making sex purely functional. One way to get around this and increase your chances of getting pregnant is to keep track of your menstrual cycle . Doing so will show you the days of your cycle when you are most fertile and, therefore, more likely to become pregnant. Armed with this knowledge, you can plan your sex life in this time frame.

Find Fertility Solutions

It is fairly common for couples to experience fertility problems when they are trying to conceive; Fortunately, your chances of a successful pregnancy can be easily increased by making simple lifestyle changes, such as losing extra weight, getting regular exercise, and limiting alcohol consumption. However, sometimes you may need a little extra help getting pregnant, so it’s worth considering fertility solutions . Supplements are available that can naturally help boost fertility and libido, or you may eventually decide that pursuing IVF is the right course for you and your family.

Get rid of bad habits from your lifestyle

What you put into your body during pregnancy can directly affect your baby’s health. Therefore, it is a good idea to eliminate any bad habits from your lifestyle before trying to conceive, as it can be much more difficult to eliminate them once you are pregnant. For example, quitting smoking and limiting your alcohol and caffeine intake beforehand will make it easier for you to eat cold food once you become pregnant and can also help increase your fertility. You should also strive for a healthy, balanced diet to ensure that your baby gets all the nutrients he needs to grow and thrive in the womb.

Start taking folic acid

Folic acid — also known as vitamin B9 — is important because it reduces your child’s risk of neural tube defects, which cause problems in the brain or spinal cord, including spina bifida . Folic acid can be found in foods such as broccoli, chickpeas, and fortified cereals. However, you may decide to take it as an additional supplement with your doctor’s advice. If you do, it is important that you take folic acid tablets for two to three months before conception, as they need time to build up a protective level in your body to be effective.

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