
The Best Supplements That Can Stop Aging According To The Experts

The Best Supplements That Can Stop Aging According To The Experts

Do you see small wrinkles on your face every time you see your reflection in the mirror? If you do, you need to take antioxidant supplements: vitamin C, vitamin E, and the trace mineral selenium. These powerful antioxidants can help you prevent sun damage and make your skin look younger. The appearance of wrinkles is not the only sign of aging. Other things happen in the body that cannot be seen in the mirror, such as cognitive decline, decreased quality of life, and increased susceptibility to disease.


Powerful antioxidants can help you feel better on the outside, but what should you be consuming to feel better and younger on the inside too? The number one supplement that can slow down aging is a nutrient that may be deficient.

Here are the best supplements that can slow down aging:

1. Vitamin D

More than 70% of Americans are deficient in vitamin D. Vitamin D is also called the sunshine vitamin, because it is produced in the skin by exposure to sunlight. Vitamin D plays a key role in immune health, heart health, and muscle health. It is also very important for bone strength because it improves the body’s ability to absorb and use calcium.

2. Vitamin B12 and Folic Acid

These two nutrients are important because they produce neurotransmitters that allow communication between brain cells. A deficiency in these nutrients can lead to anxiety, fatigue, depression, cognitive decline, decreased concentration, and poor sleep. The best supplement is the natural, bioactive forms of B12 methylocabalamin, adenosylcobalamin, and L-methylfolate of folic acid.


3. Omega-3, EPA and DHA

Omega-3 fatty acids can reduce the risk of cognitive decline and are key to building a building block for the brain. The best sources of DHA and EPA are fish and seafood, but unfortunately most people do not consume enough fish per week which is why we recommend supplements.

4. Choline

As you get older, it’s important to take a good multivitamin daily to make sure you get all the essential nutrients. One key nutrient that you can’t find in a multivitamin is the powerful choline. Choline produces a neurotransmitter that makes cells in the nervous system communicate with each other. Choline is closely related to better memory.

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