
How to professionalize your hobby

How to professionalize your hobby

There are many stories about the growth of bread, knitting, knitting, carpentry and toys groups that have emerged during the current COVID context. People have researched and found ways to spend their time at home, the craft hobby industry has grown, and millions out there have sought to pursue their interests and now have developed various interesting hobbies during the pandemic.

While many of us have maintained a renewed interest in our hobbies more casually, there are countless hobbies that have gained popularity and many of them have become big business over the past few months. There is nothing better than doing what you love and paying for it. It is the ultimate dream of work-life balance, and many strive to achieve that balance.

“If you do what you love, it’s the best way to relax,” said Christian Louboutin, then went on to work $1.6 billion making beautiful shoes to relax and live his hobby. It can be done, and who will say your hobbies aren’t the next big thing. If you have the time and commitment and know others will be interested, why not look forward to making millions with your hobbies?


The basics, building a solid foundation

There are some basics in every hobby that turns itself into a business that they will have to do and that most of them will do if they want to transition into a successful and sustainable business. It’s a big goal, but if the idea or hobby is innovative and the business is strategically planned and developed as described in this article, you can make it happen on your own.

The following steps can be considered as initial steps in the process, and you should not consider moving on to the next items on your checklist if these basics are not completed. These are the foundations upon which any entrepreneurial work must be based.

master your hobby

You must be able to frequently reproduce the product or service on demand in a professional and accurate manner. This will be the basis of the entire project, and while the product or service must be useful, you must be able to do it or make it better than your competition. This entails mastering your hobby before you make it professional. If you are making something or providing a particular service, make sure it looks like the piece, is well packaged, and is something you can proudly share with the wider audience.

Make your initial planning

Can your hobby turn into a business? No matter how much you love making candles, how much they smell, and many of your friends have noted that they loved having them for Christmas, you need to be realistic about whether this could be a business. Try to look at trends and what’s popular in your sector or industry, and make sure your products or services are in line with what’s trendy.

You must complete a full feasibility study file to determine if the idea or hobby can indeed be turned into a business. This should include a financial analysis where you will need to examine all risks potentially associated with the business idea. Be honest with yourself, and if there is no room for action in the current climate, put a pin in it and keep it entirely as a hobby. Not all hobbies are suitable for becoming a thriving online store, and as such, meticulously taking that first step can save you a great deal of grief and financial ruin.

Make time and place

Do you have the space to take the next step, or will your new business fit into the same space your hobby used to be? Many startups popping up in garages or spare rooms soon realized that the rent required to turn a hobby into a flagship could ruin profits and drown the business. You will need to consider the nature of the business; You need enough space for your operations and amenities for employees. A crowded workspace is inefficient and will cost you money.

You may not need the extra space right away, but this is something to think about if your new business starts to grow. Location will also be important as if you choose the perfect indoor space in the middle of nowhere, your transportation costs will only spiral up. You should plan for the right space in the right place and work out the initial costs.

Along the same lines, if you don’t have the time to source raw materials, manufacture, market, and sell your product or service, you need to either consider hiring staff or rethink the idea. This is especially important at the beginning of a project where you will need to spend some time making products, researching the markets, thinking about brands and marketing, and making sure you start building your networks and customer base.

Keep in mind that changing your job into a hobby will require you to be available full time, have space available for an office, a workshop, and meet clients and clients.


Ask for advice

You don’t need to start your new venture on your own and should think hard about looking for places and people who can offer some words of wisdom. Business tips are available from various business rooms and online forums. Various government organizations offer free business advice , and you have to take advantage of this. Many of them had similar thoughts and ideas about starting a business, doing your own research, and learning from other people’s mistakes before you made your own. You can never get too much advice.

Looking for a business mentor

This is primarily about creating a usable support system. There will be difficult times and issues that seem insurmountable. Having a trusted business advisor can go a long way to opening doors and getting ongoing advice as you begin your business journey. Many entrepreneur groups offer such guidance, and again, it is best to start by looking for this support and subscribing. Join online groups and interact with people at home with your idea.

Once you have completed these basics, built the foundation, and determined that your idea has room for expansion and further development, you will need the following:-

Business Skills for Initial Startup

Once you start trading and bring in any money, you better have the necessary trading skills to handle this matter. There are many different things to think about once your hobby starts making money. The wrong startup systems and processes can have a detrimental effect on your startup. If you do not have business skills, it may be beneficial to have a professional counselor to oversee and advise on the legal requirements for starting a business in your state. This is not a sustainable process or expense for most small businesses, and it is generally recommended that you use a consultant only for specific issues such as tax and finance, and work to perform these functions internally once the business has started.

Another option is to invest in your own business skills rather than spending money on outside consultants. Online courses and learning are excellent options for building the skills needed to nurture the business side of a profitable hobby. This will require a good personal development or personal development plan, depending on whether or not you have additional employees working for the organization.

Business skills for sustainability

There are countless ways to build the skills you’ll need to make your hobby a sustainable business. From short courses to professional online MBA programs , all the learning that can be done online will allow you and your employees to train in work-related areas. If you plan the hobby to be a long-term business initiative, you will need specific financial and management skills to develop and maintain the business.

As mentioned earlier, knowledge of fine art and specific skills required to make the product or provide the bespoke service will be enough to get you started. However, for a sustainable business, you must develop business, financial, marketing and a set of communication skills within the company. Plan for it Create a clear personal and business learning plan.


It is well known in the business start-up field that developing a business will require a tremendous amount of hard work and commitment. Many small businesses will fail in their first year, some because the hobby didn’t sell, others because there was no understanding of business principles for profits and losses; However, the worst cause of startup failure is lack of commitment. For financiers, consumers, and customers to purchase your business, you need to demonstrate commitment and total belief in the business yourself. Commitment is very different from just caring, and it’s easy to become interested in the process of making your hobby a business when it’s new and exciting, but the true sign of a successful entrepreneur will be their commitment to the plan when the excitement wears off, and the startup is no longer fresh. Interest in a hobby is what will get you going; The commitment will continue.

This is an ongoing process and will require many hours of work, more dedication to work, and increased funding.



Most startups will require funding in some form. You have to be very careful about the type and nature of financing you use to start a business. Many startups do not live to regret the wrong choice of funders.

The best advice for those starting a project is to spend some time researching grant funding. The government and several states have set up small business grants , which are essentially free money. There may be a number of related restrictions on how the funds can be used, but you will not need to repay them. The main type of grant funding is to start or expand a business and as such, all those looking to start a business should start with their research in grant funding. Start by searching locally in your state and then further afield. The Internet will be the main source of information, and while this may take some time, finding the right financing that may cost you nothing and leave you in complete control of the business is worth it. There are government grants and private companies, and the main issue will be finding a grant that fits your business.

The other option is to go big and look for private equity financing but be prepared to give up some of the business you intend to build. This is where a private company or individual will invest in your business, usually for an ownership stake. It is a form of financing that will require spending many hours to get the business idea pitched and sold. And while it is mainly used for well-established and mature businesses, if your hobby/business idea is good enough, well thought out and well marketed, you may also be able to use this type of financing. Selling shares to raise funds or to obtain a business loan are the last steps in the search for financing as both options will require repayment.

It can be helpful to ensure that you have the in-house financial and business skills before looking for large amounts of startup funding to be in the best position to manage the process and maintain control of the business.

Final Guidance Notes

Work your way through the foundational aspects of the business building mentioned here. Focus on those aspects that will enhance sustainability and longevity, such as your business skills, your commitment, and your financing. If all this is done in the order as suggested, you will be well on your way to developing a successful project of your hobby.

The key point to remember throughout this process is to keep the love and pleasure you have from the hobby, remember why it started, and in doing so, create a real source and background for your future business success.

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