
Hug and Cuddle Your Way to Good Health


“Feel good” hormones are released when you cuddle.

Our bodies release “feel good” chemicals when we cuddle, embrace, or hold hands. Oxytocin, dopamine, and serotonin are among these hormones. We experience emotions of enjoyment, relaxation, improved mood, and lower levels of depression when the hormones are released into our body.

It’s understandable that when we’re down, a hug can help lift our spirits. According to study, while hugging or cuddling for more than six seconds, the hormones oxytocin and serotonin are released at their highest amounts.

Your immune system can be boosted by cuddling.

‘When we’re happy, we’re healthy,’ as the saying goes. Yes, it is correct! We release optimal quantities of serotonin and oxytocin when we’re joyful, and serotonin has also been related to improved immune function.

Beyond hormones, if we’re embracing or cuddling with someone, it’s most likely someone we care about. These people should make us happy in general. We feel safe and excited about the future when we are happy and cared for, which helps to minimize stress and depression, which can contribute to a weakened immune system. Give someone a hug and give them a boost to their immune system.

Stress is relieved by cuddling.

Are you having a bad day? Maybe you’re having a horrible day? Maybe all you need is a hug.

Does this scenario sound familiar to you: you’re having a bad day, you run into a buddy, and the friend says, “You look like you need a hug.” “Yes, I do,” you answer, and your friend gives you a hug.

Now for the science: oxytocin is released, and stress and anxiety levels are reduced. The day starts to improve.

Does this ring a bell? You might need a hug if it doesn’t.

Cuddling improves relationships.

Physical touch is one of five ways that we communicate love or want love to be shown to us, according to Gary Chapman’s book “The Five Love Languages.” It is more essential than words of praise, acts of service, receiving presents, or spending quality time together for many people. Those who describe themselves as “cuddlers” have discovered their love language. This need must be addressed in order for them to feel loved and accepted. While receiving physical touch from those closest to us is desirable, it can also be boosted by pets who are excellent “cuddlers.”

Cuddling strengthens the bond between a mother and her kid.

When a mother has a new baby, the hormone oxytocin is released into her bloodstream, causing her to produce breast milk. Not only does the baby release oxytocin, but because the mother is snuggling the baby, she is also enjoying oxytocin-induced stress relief, anxiety relief, and sensations of contentment. This is critical for both the mother and the child. Skin-to-skin contact immediately after a baby is born, as well as in the hours and days afterward, is a wonderful way to bond with your child.

Hugging and cuddling offer numerous health benefits. Today and every day, do yourself a favor and hug someone you care about.

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