
Start kayaking the right way with these expert tips

Start kayaking the right way with these expert tips

Kayaking can be one of the most relaxing outdoor activities. It is also beneficial for your health both physically and mentally. If you are new to kayaking, you should start with the right foot so that the first time you go out is a success, not a risk. This article includes a list of expert tips for beginners to help ensure that your kayak trip goes smoothly from start to finish.


Always wear a personal flotation device (PFD). It doesn’t matter if your boat is inflatable or hard shell; This tip applies to any ship. A PFD can prevent a tragedy in the event of an accident, so it’s important to wear one.


Prior training is vital to getting familiar with the kayak and learning the basic maneuvers. You don’t want to experience these things when you are in the middle of a lake or river. The kayaking instructors at waterportswhiz.com advise kayakers to find a quiet spot near them and spend some time paddling to get comfortable with the kayaking action. This will help reduce any surprises when you hit harder water.

Join the rowing club

Joining a rowing club is not only a great way to make new friends, but you can also learn from more experienced rowers. They will teach you the different methods, safety tips, and how to handle your boat in different conditions. Club members often gather together on group trips that can provide more opportunities to learn and grow as a kayak.

Choose the right kayak

Not all kayaks are created equal. You need to choose the appropriate level for your skill level and intended use. If you are a beginner, it is best to go with a recreational kayak designed for calm waters. These boats are wider and shorter, which makes them easier to control than other kayaks.

Choose the right path

Your path depends on your skill level, so it is necessary to heed this advice especially for beginners. If you are starting out, choose a less arduous route to avoid any mishaps. Once you’re more comfortable on the water and have some experience under your belt, you can try something that requires more skill and planning, like whitewater kayaking or ocean kayaking. Also, it is important to know the weather conditions for the day. There are apps available that can provide real-time weather updates, so use this information.

Invest in a decent paddle

A cheap paddle will only lead to frustration and can be dangerous. It is important to find a racket that is the right size for you. Blade shape is also important, so do some research to find the type of paddle that best suits your needs.

Pack properly

Don’t wait until the last minute to pack your kayak. Make sure you have all essentials on your boat before heading out into the water, including life jackets, paddles, water, snacks, and safety equipment like flashlights or signaling devices.

Buy a dry bag and make sure you know how to use it

The dry bag is an essential piece of paddling gear and is perfect for storing your phone, keys, cash, or any other small items you don’t want to get wet. Make sure you know how to use it properly before you hit the water. There is nothing worse than getting your belongings damaged with a little rain or sweat.

Take a Break

This one is for those who love to go outside and kayaking nonstop for hours on end. While this may be impressive, it’s not a good idea, especially if you’re new to kayaking. Pushing yourself too hard can lead to muscle strains, cramps, or even a worse accident. Take a break every now and then, drink plenty of fluids and eat something light. You will be grateful for what you did when you are done with this day.

Wear the water, not the weather

When wearing paddling clothes, it’s important to remember that you’ll be wet. So, dress appropriately and wear clothes that keep you warm and dry. Cotton is not a good choice because it absorbs moisture and makes you feel cool when wet. Synthetic materials like polyester are a better option because they wick away moisture and help keep you warm.

Wear layers to adjust your clothing as needed depending on the temperature. A hat and sunscreen are essential items that you should bring with you on your kayaking trip.

Kayaking can be a great way to get some exercise, spend time outdoors with friends and family, and relax on the water. With these expert tips, you’ll be on your way to having a great time in no time.

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