
Does seasonal stress make you feel sick? Here’s how CBD can help

Does seasonal stress make you feel sick? Here’s how CBD can help

This time of year can be physically and emotionally stressful, and for many, the added stress of working from home while trying to manage holiday festivities, or take care of children who are out of school, can take a toll on our position. Nervous system – causes us nausea. Most of us have experienced nausea at some point in our lives, and as you probably know, it is not one of the easiest pains to treat. But, whether you have an easy way to manage it or not, it is persistent and will definitely get in the way of your day or even your week.


What is nausea?

Nausea is not a health condition in itself, but rather a symptom of other health problems, such as anxiety, brain injury, nervous system failure and, in more serious cases, cancer. It can stem from a number of causes, and often, no single cause is clear. There are many natural and medical treatments for nausea. However, they can be inconsistent and only provide a temporary solution. This is where CBD can come in and help turn a seemingly hopeless situation into a solution!

Now let’s analyze what CBD really is…

Cannabidiol (CBD) is a natural, non-psychoactive compound derived from hemp and/or marijuana plants. Once ingested, CBD works in conjunction with the body’s endocannabinoid system (a network responsible for handling the body’s mood, sleep, and appetite), to help reduce distressing side effects such as nausea and inflammation. Of course, since there are no psychoactive qualities in CBD, you won’t experience any kind of “high”, but the “high” you get from not feeling nauseous may be worth it.

This is where the CBD comes in

When it comes to nausea, few things help. Often you just have to wait, or if you are lucky enough to have the time, take a nap until it is gone, which may be hours after it appears. Fortunately, research has shown that CBD can play an essential role in reducing nausea and vomiting.

Without getting too scientific, here’s one way it works. CBD will act on the serotonin receptors in your brain, reducing the release of serotonin, which in turn balances the levels of serotonin in our bodies, suppressing the controls in our brains that cause vomiting. Therefore, it primarily works with the serotonin receptors in your brain to prevent this feeling of uneasiness or discomfort.

It is not only useful for controlling daily nausea; The American Cancer Society (ACS) even includes CBD in its list of treatments for managing nausea. CBD can be especially useful when you don’t have access to anti-nausea medications, or if you have adverse side effects from heavy medications.

Are there risks or side effects?

As with all things in life, there can be side effects to taking CBD however, they are minimal when compared to alternative anti-nausea options. Some side effects may include fatigue, weight changes and appetite changes when taken long-term. However, compared to the side effects of the prescribed nausea medication, which include more severe side effects like headache, drowsiness, dizziness, blurred vision etc., CBD is the way to go.

How should I take it?

Now that we’ve gone over the basics of CBD, let’s find out the best ways to take CBD when you feel nauseous. Sometimes gum can be very tasty when you’re not feeling well, so the best way to take CBD when you’re feeling nauseous is through the oil. For example, an oil dropper under the tongue will work well, or even adding a little peppermint tea can help relieve nausea and an upset stomach.

Here’s a festive nausea-reducing tea recipe that the whole family can enjoy!

  • mint tea
  • Add a dropper of NanoCraft CBD drops
  • Mix with candy cane or mint stick

Vacations are crowded enough without feeling sick. So whether you’re overcoming something serious like cancer, or taking a regular dose of holiday stress, try NanoCraft CBD and be sure to use our code HOLIDAY30 for 30% off your order today!

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