
Toilet training successfully at just two weeks old: Parents share tips and tricks

Toilet training successfully at just two weeks old: Parents share tips and tricks

Montana Laure and Tom Lynwood of Byron Bay claim to have used EC-Elimination with their 15-month-old daughter and that she hasn’t used a diaper since she was two weeks old. The lovely couple made a YouTube video on how they use EC to teach their child and they also share amazing tips and tricks for parents who want to give this method a try.


“He listens to your baby when he wants to go to the toilet, and takes him to the toilet instead of going in his diaper. Every mom knows when her baby is hungry and has cues for that and has the same cues when she needs to go to the toilet.” It’s just about listening and watching,” the couple explain.

When the baby’s mother first heard about EC, she thought it was a little crazy, but after research, I learned that this method is used all over the world. The couple admit they still use diapers on occasion, but claim they’ve reduced the amount dramatically. They claim that it is much cleaner if you take your child to the toilet.


Parents also point out the fact that they do not need to excuse their child from using nappies because they are used to not wearing nappies.
If you’re interested in trying this method, parents claim it’s the best way to start it in the summer, because kids wear less clothes then. Dress your child in something light or something that you can take off easily.


“The other good thing to do is get a potty on, we started with a Tupperware container. It’s also a good idea to put the trunk in the trunk if you’re out and about so you can stand up anytime and flush the baby into the toilet. We recommend setting aside a day, took Blue one day to learn she needed to go to the toilet in a Tupperware container. Then after that it was up to us to read the signs,” the husband explains.


Montana adds that you should take your child to the toilet even if there is a possible signal. After a while, your child will find a way to signal his need to use the potty. Baby Blue was only two weeks old when she was potty trained and the parents were happy about it. The couple also assert that EC works best when someone is with the child all the time and claims that the children are not too young to learn.

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